Wednesday, August 4, 2010

It's been real - a real adventure!

My time with Rob and Andrew and James has come to an end. As I'm sitting in the Boise airport I'm reflecting on the last 5 months that I've spent from Florida to North Carolina, Boise and coming full circle back to Seattle. I am a mix of emotions. Excited to be heading home to enjoy the most beautiful month of Summer - although it's supposed to rain this weekend (figures!) but it is Seattle after all. I'm anxious to get back out into the workforce and hopefully land a job that is just as rewarding, fulfilling and challenging as these last few months have been. However, instead of dealing with a 2 and 4 year old, I'm sure my future job will consist of dealing with big corporate babies and attending to their every need - bring it on!;) I'm also sad to be leaving Andrew and James as they have brought so much joy, fun, excitement, frustration, they have tested and challenged my patients, and of course brought lots and lots of laughs! I will miss seeing their cute smiling faces each day and maybe, just maybe, I  might miss the noise from fighting, screaming and crying....we'll see, give me about a week to adjust to the peace and quiet:) But I leave with a happy heart knowing that the boys are in the incredible hands of their Aunt Kendall! I couldn't happier that the boys are with someone they know, love and trust. They are going to have so much fun with Aunt Kendall, she came fully prepared with a basket filled with goodies and crafts, they couldn't wait to dive in! Get ready Kendall for a huge but very rewarding challenge with those beautiful boys! I look forward to going back to see the boys in the near future but this time I'll  get to wear my fun and games hat and leave the serious 'Andrew-don't-lay-on-top-of your-brother' and 'James-get-up-off the-floor-and-stop-throwing-a-tantrum' hat at home!!

I'll leave you with a few pictures. I took the boys to Wal-Mart and let them pick out a new pool since their small hard plastic one wasn't cutting it. They picked out this Whale pool complete with a slide and sprayer.

And of course some video:)

1 comment:

  1. Ha, ha....I love how you can hear Andrew holding his breath, right before he's about to launch, and avoids getting the slightest bit of water on his face, holding his head out of the water. So funny! Good work Amy with your parting shots, and good luck "Auntie Kendall!"
