Monday, June 28, 2010

Pirates Booty

I think Andrew has been having some tummy trouble the last couple days because he has been going poop multiple times a day and he usually has a BM every 2 days or so. Now, I know this may seem like a little too much information, but bare with me there is a fantastic story that goes along with it! 

Yesterday Andrew had gone poop on the potty and then went down stairs to watch a movie. Whenever the tv is on Andrew is sucked in like a bug to light. Unfortunately that means sometimes he has a potty accident because he is too engrossed in whatever it is that he is watching, to get up and go potty. We had a couple out of town guest stop by our house last night and I was chatting with them when Andrew came in the kitchen to tell me that he had an accident. I thought he had wet his pants so I took him upstairs to get him changed. We were in his room when he told me "I didn't mean to go poo poo in my underwear" oh great, I thought. I explained to him that although he was watching his movie, he still needs to get up and go potty right away and not hold it, he knows better. Miss Carol had told me about a trick she used when she potty trained Andrew, and I thought I'd try it out this time. She told me that if he poops in his underwear to make him clean them out in the toilet so he can see just how gross it is so that he won't want to repeat the incident ...

Andrew and I were dunking his Pirate ship underwear (one of his favorite pairs I might add) in the toilet to get most of the poop off. Our water level in the toilet is pretty low and it was time to cycle some new clean water in the toilet. Holding on to Andrew's pirate underwear I flushed the toilet. To my surprise our toilet has quite the suction capabilities and it sucked those pirate ship underwear  right out of my hand and down the toilet!! Andrew was on the verge of tears, while I on the other hand was fighting back tears of laughter! He screamed: "Hey! why did the potty eat my underwear?!" Still trying not to laugh I said I don't know they just got sucked up and tried to reassure him it was ok and he had plenty of other underwear that he could put on.

Needless to say the pirate ship underwear have set sail! But I'm happy to report the our flushing capabilities are still intact - thank goodness it was just little boy underwear!

Lesson learned: Next time I'll use the utility sink in the laundry room:)


  1. Amy. I'm laughing so hard I might wet my
    pants! That is hilarious!! Lol, Mom

    Now you know why on ships they call it the "Poop Deck" Great Story Amy LoL Dad

  2. Man, Andrew will kill you later for this story!

  3. That was great story. I was laughing so hard, I had to read it to Chris. Liam is just now starting to "try" potty training, so I can only imagine what is to come. By the way, you are a great writer... your blog is a joy to read.
