Saturday, April 10, 2010

Pig in the Park

The local Boys and Girls club held a community fundraiser today at Waynesborough Park. It was the first time they held this event and they titled it "Pig in the Park. They had a competition between locals on the best bbq pork. There was live music that the boys enjoyed dancing to, as well as face painting, petting zoo, a firetruck and of course great bbq! 

Andrew was super excited to go to a "picnic" at the park. However when we got there he said he was tired and wanted to go home. I think he was over whelmed with the amount of people there, he warmed up after a while. Here are some pictures from our day out.

Future Firemen?

Andrew doesn't look too sure about getting his face painted...

Vroom! Speedy race car!

Andrew bopping James on the head - typical

Andrew and Rob dancing to the music


  1. i love those boy's. Is that the fox trot
    Andrew and Rob are doing? Gram

  2. I bet they just went "Hog-wild" over the fire Truck....
    Wow! look at all those buttons and leavers to push.... Hey Dad, can I take this thing home.....?

    LoL Their "Colonel" Grampa
