Sunday, April 25, 2010


I thought I'd share a funny story about Andrew... I was wearing a leopard print cardigan sweater at church today and Andrew was sitting next to me. He started pointing at the spots on my sweater and then looked up at me and said:
"Why are you wearing a giraffe shirt?" 

I had to contain myself from laughing. Apparently we need to work on identifying our spots :)


  1. Too cute! So glad you all are having fun out there - your mom gave me the link to this blog - so fun to see what you have been up to! Can't wait to see you in Idaho! Love you guys!

  2. Hey Sally! I'm sorry I thought I had included you in the email when I first started this blog...anyway I'm glad you have the link now. We are so excited to get to Idaho and see you all! thanks for all the updates on the house, we have really enjoyed seeing it's progress.

  3. It is a good thing you were NOT wearing a lepard
    pattern...... he could really make a "catty" remark....! loL Dad

  4. Papa Ray, You obviously did not read this post very carefully...I WAS wearing a leopard pattern but Andrew thought it was a giraffe pattern.
